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How to Change Caddx NX8 Installer Code

Every InterlogiX Caddx Networx NX-8 Alarm system comes with a Master Installer Code (Programming Code). Every type of adjustments and programming (Like creating partitions, define users, assign zone values etc.) can be done if you know this code. For this reason, security of Programming (Installer) Code is extremely important.

What is Default Caddx Networx NX-8 Programming Code?

Default Caddx NX8 installer Code is 9713 and this code must be changed immediately. If someone or burglar wants to hack your alarm system, first thing he will try is to enter this NX8 installer Code! If he succeed, rest is very easy! For this reason you must change Programming Code with an uncommon and difficult code.

How to Change Caddx Default NX8 Installer Code?

If you are using Caddx NX8E alarm panel, (E-panel) follow the instructions below. If you are using Caddx NX8 alarm panel, you must disarm all the partitions in order to enter Programming mode.

Go to any keypad and enter following code

* + 8 + 9 + 7 + 1 + 3 // *89713
0 + # // 0#
4 + 2 # // 42#
        // At this stage you will see "Loc # 42 Segment #1"
        // You must enter your new installer code
        // To do that Enter a digit followed by a "*"
        // When you press "*" Segment number will be increased.
        // An example code might be like this:
        // 4*1*5*2*
        // You may leave last 2 segments blank. Just enter "**"
#       // In order to terminate programming mode, just press "#"

After that you have changed your NX8 Master Programming Code. Your Caddx Alarm System is much more secure now.

Caddx Networx NX8 Alarm Duress Code

Duress Code is described in Wikipedia as:

duress code is a covert distress signal used by an individual who is being coerced by one or more hostile persons. It is used to warn others that they are being forced to do something against their will. Typically, the warning is given via some innocuous signal embedded in normal communication, such as a code-word or phrase spoken during conversation to alert other personnel.

In short, Duress Code is a special message sent to Central monitoring service saying that you are forced to arm or disarm you alarm system. Notice that, you will bypass your real pass code by entering duress code.

Caddx Networx NX-8 alarm system’s default Duress code is “1234”! Of course, you can change it.

How to Change Caddx Networx NX8 Alarm Duress Code

x*x*x*x*#  // Your New Duress Code. Eg: 2*4*6*8*#
           // This will change your Duress Code to: 2468

After that you have changed your Duress Code. Consequently, inform your Central Monitoring Service and test it by entering new Duress Code to arm/disarm your Caddx NX8 Alarm System.

Notice that if you enter your duress code accidentally, immediately call your Central Monitoring Service to inform them. Otherwise, they may call police service for you!

Written by Metin Karal
Metin Karal is a Computer Engineer, specialized at Interlogix Caddx security systems and living in Turkey. He is interested in reviewing products that He used.

2 thoughts on “How to Change Caddx NX8 Installer Code”

  1. I had my system installed 20 years ago. the company is out of business. my Master code and user codes do not work as programming codes. is there anyway of hacking the panel to reset that programming code or reading it with like a raspberry pi?

    1. Yes, there is a hacked panel reset procedure but did not used it for a long time. Mainly you make a short cut between 2 lines and give electricity. But I really don’t remember which 2 lines. You may google it.

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